Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Common Cold Medicine

Cold viruses are contained mainly through the nose and spread through nasal fluid which is why it is so important for people to wash their hands after they sneeze or cough. Using Kleenex for tissue can be very helpful in preventing the spread of a cold. Children should always be encouraged to use Kleenex and to keep anti-bacterial soap on hand at school.

Even when you are trying to prevent a cold or the spreading of a cold, inevitably your child will have several during their many years at school and this is something that you might as well plan for well in advance. It is smart to have a medicine cabinet well stocked and ready to go for the days when a cold will hit your young child or someone else in your family. Make sure you have a variety of cold medicines to serve everyone in the family when the cold and flu season arrives.

Vicks Vapor rub is always good to have on hand to put on your sick child’s neck and throat area when he or she isn’t feeling well. In addition to the Vicks treatment you need to choose some internal medicines which will quickly help contain the cold.

High fevers will need immediate attention by Children’s Tylenol, Children’s Motrin or another form of the above. For instance, Children’s Tylenol plus cold and cough can help your child battle the days of the cold. Be sure to read the directions and don’t mix medications with anything else without checking with your child’s pharmacist or doctor.

Dimetapp is a favorite cold and allergy liquid that many children don’t mind to take because of the grape-flavored medicine that has long since been a favorite. Elix Sure is another great cold medicine for children who are a little under the weather. And of course there are many more medications for children and adults alike.

Natural home remedies are still among the favorite cure for a common cold and many say that since the common cold is indeed a viral infection and can not be cured by any antibiotics or penicillin, home remedies will work just as well as anything else and that may very well be true.

Hot teas and teas with lemon and honey have long been regarded as a great tea for common cold and the common sore throat. Antioxidant teas and vitamin C have been said to effectively fight the wrath of the common cold. Gargling salt water with warm water and salt has always been a favorite among moms for children complaining of a sore throat.

Other things that have been said to cure the common cold include a zinc lozenge which can be taken at the onset of a cold. The lozenges are said to cut the time that someone has a cold almost in half. However, this is not proven as of yet and would be hard to prove because people fall ill with a common cold gradually and often times don’t realize they have the cold until their immune system wears down completely.

Another old remedy for the common cold is the remedy of good old fashioned alcohol! And that isn’t the rubbing alcohol that you buy in a pharmacy, it’s the drinkable alcohol! A hot toddy is said to cure the common cold if you drink enough of them. A hot toddy is made with one tablespoon of honey, 3 shots of brandy, lemon and tea. It is something that many believe does work if you sip on several per day during your common cold ailments.

Rock-n-rye is an old stout drink that many people can’t stomach but if you can drink it straight up in a couple of shot glasses, you’ll quickly see a difference. If not, you may at least have an alcohol buzz!

Cold remedies and cures for the common cold can certainly raise some eyebrows because many people have some really strange beliefs as to what cures the common colds. Still, other factors play into how quickly someone will recuperate from the cold. Bed rest can help speed up a recovery as well as getting a good night’s sleep with at least eight hours per night in rest.

Gatorade and other fluids will help you keep yourself well hydrated while you are ill. Keeping warm with mittens and scarves when you go outside will ensure that you don’t take a backset on any possible recuperation when you must go out into the cold weather. Be smart and bundle up in warm clothing if you must go outside when you are sick.

Kleenex and throat lozenges on hand is always a good idea and making sure you don’t forget the Vick’s vapor rub when you are going to be inside for the rest of the day is a good idea too. You don’t want to wear this outside of course, but you should keep your neck and chest saturated in it when you can because you will breathe easier which can often make you feel better instantly when you have a cold. Nasal passages are clear from the vapors that you smell when you use the Vick’s Vapor Rub.

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